I’ve just read an interesting interent article based on a book written by two authors of ‘Why Women Have Sex’.
Apparently it seems that women go to bed with their partners as a way of relieving boredom, keeping the peace, curing a headache and even as a thank you for a nice dinner. Hmmmmm – surely the man is capable of cooking dinner without having to be rewarded?? And I personally can’t think of anything worse than having sex with a headache….
Also suprisinly the authors of this book claim that from over 200 reasons Why Women Have Sex, attraction is ranked way down the list. Well not in my bloody book – Or do we have massive amounts of gold diggers out there girls? I’m sorry I just couldn’t do it. Not even for serious money. Ha I bet you are reading this thinking ‘yeah right, she’s talking shit’…..Having sex with a man, who you find unattractive and probably never going to love, though granted they might be a nice guy, just doesnt appeal to me.
“Research has shown that most men find most women at least somewhat sexually attractive, whereas most women do not find most men sexually attractive at all.” Sorry I find that somewhat crazy – surely its the other way round….Or is that because my opinion of men and their standards isn’t very high?
While doing research for this book, they interviewed over 1,000 women who produced very surprising and somewhat hilarious answers. Listen to some of these:
One claimed she did it for a spiritual experience, because it is “the closest thing to God”. – Well I would like to know who she is sleeping with. She obviously thinks highly of the bloke…..
Others listed “cure for stress headache”, “to make my sexual skills better” and “for a clearer complexion”. Maybe I kinda of agree with “to make my sexual skills better”…lol.
However the majority, being a massive 84 per cent, admit they have sex to ensure a “quiet life” or “to bargain for their partners to carry out household chores”. Sod that!!!!!! I think the independent woman in me is coming out – You dont have sex to get your bloke to do chores. Why are these women with these men if this is the case? Well ok, maybe have sex with your man to get something decent – like a nice bit of jewellery. Or is that boadering close to prostitution??!?!? Haha!
I then went on to read – In one survey carried out by the authors, one in ten women admitted having sexual intercourse in return for presents, or lavish meals……. Ha least I’m not alone with this one!
One said: “I have sex to relieve the boredom. Because it’s easier than fighting. Plus it gives me something to do.” Maybe just find another man then love???
While another admitted: “I had sex with a couple of guys because I felt sorry for them.” Eughhh – I bet they were mingers. Or the bloke completely fooled the women to get his leg over more like.
So ladies, why do you have sex??
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