Friday, October 30, 2009

Jessa Lynn

Really? Okay, so I’ve been told I need to fill this section out. You know what I hate most about the “tell us about yourself” section of just about anything?? Its not exactly like there’s a f*cking outline.

Well, here’s my best shot.

I’m a 24 year old, female, Executive Of Brokerage and Client Developement for a local logistics firm here in the Twin Cities… I think if you went looking for one, you’d come back with…. well, me. But feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Pretty sure I’m not though; as that’s the high point of my life.

Other than that, I’m actually rather strange… or moreso I think I am. Then again, I think far too much. So what’s the opinion actually worth?

According to my other half, if you will, I’m a sushi eating, granola crunching, raging femenist, hippy…. but I’m pretty sure I was probably 10 the last time I “crunched” on granola, and that I adore the male species far too much to be any sort of “raging” femenist.

Underneath all of my walls, which I do have many; I honestly think I have a really big heart. I take everything personally, everything effects me on one level or another. Perhaps that’s why I can hold a grudge like a motherf*cker. Analyze that Dr. Frued….

I read too much. I think I like other worlds better than my own. So reading helps me to coagulate the two. I LOVE Lord Byron. If I were born circa 1840, I’m pretty sure we’d be… involved.

I love music. I hate music. Or figuretively speaking, I hate what the year 2000 DID to music. I hate that someone like “Fergie” can be a household name, but you could walk down the street asking who Saul Williams is, and everyone would look at you funny.

I love to cook. I discovered this talent a few years back. I think it has something to do with the fact that I like to eat. I’m the kind of person who’d fly to Osaka, just for the sushi. I’d also learn to speak Japanese… if the task requited it.

I have amazing friends; and I know that everyone says that, but I really do. Just ask them.

Other than that, I’m pretty sure I’m just your everyday lemming….. haha… lemming; I wish life were that simple.



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