Wednesday, December 9, 2009

If rape were legal, I'd do it to you

So far, I think I’ve been fair-minded about Girl’s decision to attend school.  Just as she has been responding to school-related nonsense in good humor, I’ve been trying to do the same.  I have even blogged about some of it.

(in reverse chronological order)

I’m going to blow up your house

6th-grade science is pointless

Naps for middle schoolers?

Lessons learned in music class

She’s the shusher

Eighty percent of the class failed?

Your question needs refining

I’ve got one more

She’s resting her voice

Back 2 school

Recapping:  I don’t think that either of us enjoyed our last year of homeschooling together.  Girl had made up her mind that she was “missing out on the whole experience of going to school.”  She expressed her frustration by dragging her way through learning of any kind.  I tried every motivational tool in the book (with the exception of plumbing supplies to instill first-time obedience), but she was determined to prove to me, once and for all, that homeschooling was a bad idea.  Homeschooling isn’t a bad idea, it just stopped working for us – and it was wrecking our relationship. 

So, she started school in September – and she loves it.  She has made many very nice friends, her personality is flowering, her teachers seem to notice and like her, she is learning (though it’s all pretty dry and unchallenging material, for the most part) and getting good grades (4.0 GPA on her first trimester report card), but now there’s this:

I just learned that a (6th-grade) boy at her school was recently suspended for telling my daughter and her friend, “If rape were legal, I’d do it to you.”  Apparently, while the boy didn’t say this directly to my daughter, he addressed her friend, then added, “Tell (my daughter’s name) that this is for her, too.” 

What the hell. 

I’m guessing that my daughter’s name was never mentioned in the follow-up to this incident, as I’m only now hearing about it – and from my daughter only.  She insists that she doesn’t want me to contact the principal because “she wasn’t scared about it” and “it has all been dealt with already.”  “(The boy) has been suspended for a long time” and “he has to go to counseling now” and “his mom is furious at him.” 

WWYD?  (What would you do?)


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