Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Being bratty

I’m ashamed to say that I was a bit of a brat last night.

Within the BDSM community the term “brat” is usually used to denote a submissive who is acting up or causing trouble to gain attention. This sort of behaviour is frowned upon as it is one manifestation of topping from the bottom.

Topping from the bottom, if I understand it correctly, is the situation that arises when the submissive partner in a D/s relationship attempts to manipulate the behaviour of the dominant. For example a bound submissive might tell the dominant partner that “It would be a really good idea if you whipped me now”. An experienced dom would ignore the submissive and carry on with what he/she had planned but someone less experienced might go along with the suggestion. The submissive is now controlling the scene, presumably to the detriment of both parties.

Last night, I’m sorry to say I whined at C that I wanted her to tease me.

At the moment we seem to be running on a 7 day period of denial, then an earth-shattering release (for me) and back to 7 days of denial. Compared to some guys, 7 days seems pretty modest but it works well for us at the moment (I’m sure C has plans to extend this period that she is not sharing with me just yet).

I have noticed that for a couple of days after an orgasm I am pretty relaxed about the whole chastity thing. It doesn’t bother me and I don’t really think about it. By day 3 I am starting to get horny and this feeling just grows and grows until, by day 7, I’m a slavering puppy. The problem, for me, is that denial really means denial. There isn’t really a tease element. Occasionally, C will have me go down on her (which I love) but my cock is pretty much left alone. Later into the period of denial I don’t really mind this as I’m looking forward to release and I don’t want to jeopardise the possibility that this will happen. Around the day 3/4 mark it’s a long time to the expected release date and the todger wants some attention.

I have dropped hints to C that this is something I want her to do but, so far, it’s been very rare that any teasing happens. In all fairness, C works hard and has recently been promoted, which has increased her responsibilities, so she is tired when she gets home.

I know, I really do know that it’s C’s decision and I should just shut up and let her decide how things pan out. Unfortunately, last night was day 3 and I whined.

C was on it pretty quickly and told me to be quiet and that it was up to her what she did with her property but I could tell she was fed up that I had moaned. She went to bed early last night and was asleep when I eventually went up. This morning she was fine but I feel like an idiot. I need to remind myself that I asked C to do this and, while she seems to enjoy it, it is more work for her, not less.

I think an apology and a bit of pampering is in order tonight.

Sex at the 25 year class reunion...

I’ve been away “reuniting” with former classmates… eh hmmm. Delaynee will return within a few days, and you’ll finally get to hear all about her night of love making with her new sexy stud Gavin. If you want to read about my steamy sexcapades, make sure you check out my RSS feed at Cougar Talk. I’ll be posting all about it soon. Kisses, Kate Mercer P.S. I am still a Cougar if the man I am fucking is only 20 days younger than me, right?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Terapis Seks yang Tiduri 1.500 Kliennya

Kalau terapis seks lain hanya memberi konseling, terapis yang satu ini tak segan mempraktikkan langsung cara bercinta yang benar di hadapan kliennya.

Sebagai seorang terapis seks, pekerjaan utama Mare Simone (54) adalah mendengarkan problem kliennya seputar urusan ranjang lalu memberikan solusi. Alih-alih memberikan solusi lewat konseling, wanita asal Chelsea, Inggris, ini juga memberikan contoh lewat praktik langsung.

Wanita yang sudah menjalani profesinya selama 23 tahun ini setiap hari didatangi oleh klien, baik pria atau wanita, untuk mencari solusi dari masalah seksual yang dialaminya.

“Para pria pada umumnya bermasalah dengan ereksinya atau ejakulasi dini. Tak sedikit pula yang diminta istrinya datang ke saya karena para suami itu tak bisa memuaskan mereka di ranjang,” katanya.

Sementara itu, masalah yang dikeluhkan para wanita antara lain kesulitan orgasme atau punya pasangan yang tak bisa memuaskan. “Saya lalu menunjukkan pada mereka bagaimana cara memuaskan diri sendiri dan mencintai tubuh mereka apa adanya,” kata wanita yang masih melajang ini.

Simone merupakan terapis seks bersertifikat dan sangat andal menangani kliennya. Kliennya tidak terbatas dari Inggris saja, tetapi juga dari berbagai tempat, termasuk Amerika. “Klien saya berasal dari berbagai usia dan pekerjaan. Mereka direkomendasikan oleh rekan sejawat saya atau mantan klien saya,” katanya.

Sebenarnya, bagaimana Simone menjalankan kerjanya? Sesi konseling yang dilakukan oleh Simone diawali dengan konsultasi untuk mencairkan suasana dan membuat kliennya merasa lebih nyaman dengan Simone. Pada sesi-sesi selanjutnya, para klien dipersilakan curhat mengenai persoalannya, sambil menikmati pijatan di punggung dari Simone sehingga mereka lebih rileks dan terbuka mengenai masalah-masalahnya.

Setelah itu, di sesi selanjutnya akan dilakukan latihan berkaca. Pada sesi ini ia dan kliennya akan menanggalkan pakaiannya dan memandangi tubuh masing-masing di cermin. “Biasanya mereka kurang pede dengan bentuk tubuhnya. Namun, setelah yakin saya tak menilai atau menghakimi, mereka lebih terbuka dan percaya diri,” ujarnya.

Pada sesi tersebut, ia juga melakukan pemijatan pada bagian depan tubuh untuk menunjukkan bagaimana cara menyentuh tubuh yang benar. “Terakhir, adalah sesi praktik agar mereka bisa mempelajari bagaimana mengontrol diri sendiri sekaligus memecahkan masalahnya,” kata Simone.

Tak jarang, Simone harus mempraktikkan hubungan seksual dengan seorang suami di hadapan istrinya untuk menunjukkan bahwa pria harus lebih sensitif pada pasangannya. “Setiap klien pria harus menggunakan kondom dan menjalani pemeriksaan kesehatan seksual,” katanya.

Tak heran bila menurut Simone, ia sudah pernah bercinta dengan lebih dari 1.000 pria, yang kebanyakan adalah suami atau pacar kliennya. Bila dihitung selama 23 tahun kariernya, ia sudah membantu 10.000 klien yang mencari solusi dari problem seks, dan 1.500 di antaranya melakukan praktik seks langsung dengannya.

Pekerjaan yang Simone lakukan disebut juga “pengganti partner seks”. Mengenai cara kerjanya yang tak lazim itu, Simone berpendapat bahwa itu bukanlah hal yang ilegal.

“Saya memang membiayai hidup dengan tidur bersama suami atau kekasih orang. Tapi saya bukan pelacur. Yang saya lakukan legal selama dilakukan dalam tujuan pengobatan masalah mereka,” katanya.

Simone bukanlah satu-satunya “pengganti partner seks” di dunia ini. Cukup banyak terapis seks yang melakukan cara kerja seperti Simone, bahkan ada organisasi resminya.

“Orang harus diajari bagaimana melakukan hubungan seks. Beberapa cara memang harus dipelajari. Tidak semua orang bisa secara alami melakukannya. Dan tugas saya adalah mengajari dan membenahi masalah seksual mereka,” katanya.

Sumber : kompas

I'm 'Slutty,' So What? I'm a Virgin, So What?

This picture is here just because I think it's hot...

I’m always interested how women respond to the still lingering societal expectations about sex. Not entirely sure what these two College Candy articles tell me, other than it unfortunately appears women can be as tough a crowd to each other as men can be to them.

One, is about not casting judgment because a college-aged woman is candid about enjoying sex.

I’ve noticed that there are a few CollegeCandy commenters who target our writers as sluts because they’re sharing their experiences. To those people, I say – have an open mind. Like everything else in this life, everyone has different sexual needs. Some people feel that sex should be shared between two people after marriage, and a person should only have one partner their entire life. Others feel that having one sexual partner for life is impractical and unfulfilling. I challenge you to believe that both are okay.

I would also like to offer to you that there is a difference between being a slut and being a sex-positive female. We live in a society that is smothered in all things sex, but why do we still view the ladies that partake in such activities as whores? While I’m in no way advocating risky, promiscuous sex, I think it needs to be said that SEX IS A GOOD THING, and talking openly about it works to slowly but surely remove the stigma attached to it.

The other is about not casting judgment because a college-aged woman wants to save herself for marriage.

You might think I’m crazy, but I know that until I have found the one I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, I’m not going to settle. I don’t just want to pick up some random guy at the club, spend a meaningless night together and have my final image of him be his back heading out the door.

I don’t mean to completely admonish and criticize those girls that do live that sort of life. I have plenty of girlfriends who go through guys like they’re the flavor of the week. And I’m totally fine with you living that lifestyle; I wasn’t born in the 18th century. I understand that times have changed and it’s the new millennium. All I want is for you to not look down on me like I’m missing out on something. Because I don’t think I am; I love everything about my life, and wouldn’t live it any other way.

Probably the most hilarious thing about both of these articles is how judgmental they come off in their own right. The first writer spends most of the piece turning the ’slut’ into an ‘other’ when, whether fairly or unfairly, the idea of what a ’slut’ is exactly is in the eye of the beholder.

For instance, a few weeks ago  a woman who has now become a good friend and frequent partner of mine caught me by surprise when she asked me if I would think she was a whore because we were hooking up the first time we hung out.

When I joked about it a little later, she talked about how guys have taken that position before and adjusted their treatment of her accordingly.

Having been around enough groups of my male peers, I know the score. I guess I was surprised because the idea of her being a ‘whore’ hadn’t even crossed my mind.

I’m into it, she’s into it… what’s the problem? I’m supposed to be a ‘champion’ and her a ‘whore’?

Doesn’t make any sense.

And then there’s the second woman. A good friend of mine is on a similar track (which is a damn shame too because she’s fucking gorgeous) and wants to save herself for marriage.

I think she’s an idiot but I don’t begrudge her, it’s her life after all. And I feel the same way about the virgin who wrote the article.

The problem I have is the continual attempts to justify her position in the piece. I’ve met ‘random people’ in bars who I never saw again and who have become important parts of my life. Even the ‘meaningless’ nights I’ve had were (mostly) fun and some have even lead to relationships the author would likely consider not ‘meaningless.’

There also has to be some acceptance of simple reality here… she is ‘missing out’ in the same way I miss out on the perks of a healthier lifestyle because I drink too much, smoke too much, indulge in narcotics and barely sleep.

I accept this and I think the author should accept she is missing out on something that can be very awesome. Again, I don’t begrudge her, if that makes her happy then good luck and godspeed… just spare everyone the sanctimony.

Ultimately, neither of these articles accomplish much because there’s often no real point in attempting to defend your lifestyle choices to those who choose to look down on your or judge you because of them.

If you want to be a ’slut,’ (whatever that means) then do it. If you want to be a virgin… do that too. Anyone who isn’t okay with either choice probably shouldn’t be in your life.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sinning Feels So Good!

So “why everything that’s supposed to be bad make me feel so good?”

The answer is simple enough. Sin FEELS good. Why lie? If doing the wrong thing didn’t make us feel good we probably wouldn’t do it. If we didn’t feel some type of relief when we had to cuss somebody out because they spoke to us in some crazy way, or if “getting it in” on Saturday night after a few drinks and grinding on somebody at the club didn’t feel nice, would we waste the time? Doubtful.

I remember this movie I saw years ago called K-PAX where Kevin Spacey plays this alien from another planet and described what sex was like on his planet. It described it as “unpleasant, nausea, nuts in a vice, being kicked in the stomach and falling into something worse smelling than a skunk smell.” Pretty sure if that was our experience, it wouldn’t be that appealing. But I say all that to say this: We sin or do stuff that “supposed to be bad” BECAUSE it makes us feel so good.

It’s in the Bible, look!–> Hebrews 11:25 …”choosing rather to suffer affliction than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.” Sin is pleasurable and we do it because we want to. (So drop the “devil made me do it” act)

But did you notice it said pleasure of sin FOR A SEASON? The enjoyment of it is generally short-lived and the consequences of those actions are scarring. It’s ok, you can admit it. We’re being honest here remember? Those consequences can be physical, emotional, relational, mental, baggage, etc.

So we know we do it because we want to and it feels good… but how did we get attracted to those things? See the answer in part 3.

Check out part 1 here if you missed it.

Orgasme, Kian Ditahan Kian Maknyus!

Sensasi orgasme memang menimbulkan rasa ketagihan bagi pria dan wanita. Tak jarang untuk menikmatinya banyak pasangan yang gemar melakukan penundaan agar kenikmatan orgasme bisa lama terasa.

Satu hal yang tidak bisa dipungkiri saat terjadinya orgasme merupakan puncak kenikmatan dari ML. Tapi kenyataannya mencapai orgasme yang betul-betul dahsyat tidak mudah.

Agar orgasme yang diinginkan benar-benar memuaskan, Joel D. Block, seksolog dan pengarang buku The Art of the Quickie: Fast Sex, Fast Orgasm, Anytime, Anywhere memberikan beberapa tips agar orgasme bisa ditunda dan sensasinya bisa terasa lama.

1. Variasikan Gerakan
Mulai dengan mengkomposisikan ritme gerakan penetrasi Anda, kadang cepat, kadang lambat. Bisa juga dengan mengubah posisi Mr Dick yang dimasukkan, kadang dalam, kadang hanya ujung saja yang masuk Mrs V. Bisa juga secara berkala, hentikan gerakan saat penetrasi selama beberapa detik dan rasakan sensasinya.

2. Lakukan Tekanan pada Perineum
Perineum adalah daerah antara skrotum dan anus. Sebelum ejakulasi, gunakan tiga jari Anda untuk menekan daerah tersebut. Mintalah pasangan Anda melakukannya. Teknik ini sederhana dan sudah dipraktekkan selama lima ribu tahun di negeri China.

3. Kencangkan Otot Sekitar Kemaluan
Saat penetrasi berlangsung, sekali-sekali tarik Mr Dick hingga hanya ujungnya saja yang berada dalam Mrs V. Berhentilah sebentar, lalu kencangkan otot sekitar kemaluan dan dubur selama beberapa detik. Lakukan beberapa kali.

4. Ubah Rangsangan
Pada saat Anda merasa sangat terangsang, usahakan agar tidak langsung menuruti hasrat tersebut. Tahan untuk tidak segera melakukan penetrasi. Lakukan gerakan lain yang kira-kira membuat Anda merasa benar-benar menikmatinya.

Selain itu khusus bagi kaum Adam, yang ingin menunda ejakulasi tapi bisa merasakan orgasme berkali-kali, beberapa tips di bawah ini mungkin bisa dicoba.

1. Saat merasa akan mencapai ejakulasi, ujung Mr Dick yang merupakan persambungan glans dengan korpus penis dan menahan tekanan tersebut selama beberapa detik. Ereksi mungkin agak sedikit berkurang, tetapi akan kembali lagi jika hubungan seksual dilanjutkan. Teknik ini dapat diulangi sebanyak yang diperlukan atau dikehendaki selama hubungan seksual. Teknik ‘cubitan’ ini dikembangkan oleh Masters dan Johnson.

2. Jika ejakulasi hampir terjadi, tegangkan otot pada pangkal penis. Setelah beberapa detik, kendurkan otot tersebut. Menegangkan dan mengendurkan otot ini dapat membantu memperlama hubungan seksual.

3. Anda atau pasangan dapat merangsang Mr Dick secara manual. Hentikan stimulasi jika ejakulasi hampir terjadi. Setelah beberapa detik, lakukan lagi. Dengan berlatih, Anda dapat belajar mempertahankan diri dalam tingkat rangsangan yang tinggi. Jika orgasme terjadi akan terasa lebih kuat.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

British model Sophie Anderton - Luxury prostitute

Sophie Anderton says there is at least another two supermodels who work as luxury prostitutes.
British model Sophie Anderton worked as a prostitute luxury, receiving between 10,000 and 15,000 pounds for an hour of sex, informs Daily Mail.
Sophie Anderton, a famous in Britain, admitted for The Sun that she worked as a luxury prostitute . Anderton, aged 32, told how in 2004 he had a drug addiction and consumed one bottle of vodka a day. When she was practically broke and in debt to her drug supplier, Anderton made the acquaintance of a luxury prostitute who introduced her to the world of paid sex. The same girl set her price for the services – between 10,000 and 15,000 pounds per hour.
Anderton also told that in her short career as a prostitute she had sex for money with five clients and won 50,000 pounds, enough to pay her debts and pay a deposit for a house.
Another shocking allegation was that Anderton blames the world of fashion for her prostitute carrer. “I’m not the only model who chose this path”, said Sophie. “There is a dark side of the modeling world. At least two supermodels are working as prostitutes.”

Modern Television

So I has this conversation with my hairdresser the other day. You know how everyone complains that the “crap” on T.V. is sign of the times that we are degenerating as a society ( it isn’t pretty often I’ll admit). Take notice of this paradox. In the 50’s, television was fond of promoting Mayberry and Stepford Wives. Meanwhile social crimes on a massive scale like sexual abuse, domestic abuse, and child abuse were being perpetrated in the complete dark- awareness zero. Those weren’t really the good ol’ days. Or more “innocent”- just more ignorant. It was pointed out to me the classic scene of the working man returning from the hard day straight to the scotch bottle. And don’t forget a good smoke after. Don’t worry wifey has dinner almost ready.

Now we get Jerry Springer and trite sex material at every turn on T.V for our digestion (let’s not forget the great icon of the gun too), but society at large is so much more aware of abuses within the family unit in this decade. Sexual abuse does not have cover of darkness through the generations anymore. It’s ironic these shifts from 50’s to today. We’ve progressed, not decayed. Or at least we’re Even Steven.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Body Shop : Detengamos el Tráfico Sexual de Niños y Adolescentes

Creo que es una de las campañas que, si funcionan, tendrá mucho éxito.

Estamos hartos de ver los negocios de tráfico de niños de forma sexual en Tailandia y países subdesarrollados, sobre todo, en los que los padres no pueden permitirse ya ni tener hijos, pero que, como no tienen medios para sobrevivir, los utilizan como intercambio: yo te doy a mi hijo para lo que tú quieras a cambio de un dinero (Dinero que muchas veces ni llegan a ver)

Por eso estoy de acuerdo con la campaña que organiza The Body Shop; he aquí un breve resumen:

Después de las vacaciones, sol y descanso, ha llegado la hora de volver a la realidad y quizas cambiarla de manera positiva.

Este mes, la famosa marca de belleza ética The Body Shop lanza una importante acción de sensibilización para luchar contra el Tráfico Sexual de Niños y Adolescentes. Contamos todos contigo para retomar la noticia.

Puedes empezar por unirte a la causa Facebook “Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People” y apoyarla hablándo de ella en tu blog! Encontrarás más informaciones aquí.

*Detengamos el Tráfico Sexual de Niños y Adolescentes*

Así que yo os animo a que colaboréis con esta campaña, si queréis (todas las campañas son voluntarias, por supuesto), pero pensad que The Body Shop se ha involucrado, por ejemplo, con:

• La creación de su crema de manos de edición limitada “MANOS SUAVES Y CON CORAZÓN”, una excelente crema de manos cuyos provechos llevarán dinero a la asociación ECPAT.
• Su colaboración con la asociación ECPAT. Con ellos y con la causa STOP SEX TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE, The Body Shop está despertando las consciencias alrededor de este crimen.

Además os recordamos que la compra del producto ayudará la finance de la lucha contra el Tráfico Sexual de Niños y Adolescentes. Por cada crema vendida, se donará 6,52 € a ACIM-ECPAT España.

¡Vamos, a crear el buzz, no esperéis más!

¡Los niños, ECPAT y The Body Shop cuentan contigo!

PD: Yo ya me he unido a la causa en FB al menos (aunque no tengáis o no queráis dar dinero, podéis uniros de manera solidaria)

Un saludo!

Getting oral with Kari

(Contains adult situations.)

This is a continuation from my last post “First lover! First love?” involving Kari, the first girl I ever had sex with. The story was the most explicit, graphic description of sex I’ve ever attempted. It’s rather long but I think it’s a pretty good story. Check it out if you haven’t.

In one weekend I lost my virginity and made love three more times with Kari. It was the start of a closer relationship. In the following weeks we would regularly have dinner together and — as our dorms were next door to each other — sometimes study together; throwing in some kissing and petting as a break from school work if we could find a little privacy.

And we waited for our next opportunity to have sex. Although we wanted each other desperately we also thought it rather tacky to ask our roommates to disappear for an hour or two so that we could get it on.

It wasn’t until nearly two weeks after our first sex session that I called Kari one afternoon we didn’t have class and told her that my roommate would be on a field trip for most of the afternoon.

In just a few minutes she was walking through my door. Soon as I closed the door she was reaching down to pull off her shirt but I stopped her. I said that we had plenty of time and we didn’t need to rush.

I insisted that she let me take off all her clothes. I did so slowly, focusing my attention on one part of her body and then another. I was trying to burn the image of every part of her naked body on my brain.

By the time I pulled off her panties I was ready to work on my cunnilingus technique. I worked back and forth between her pussy and breasts and within about 15 minutes Kari was trying to stifle her screams as she reached orgasm. I had yet to remove one piece of my own clothing.

I told her I’d be right back as I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and remove the taste of her wetness from my mouth. It wasn’t an unpleasant taste. I just assumed she’d prefer it if my breathe were fresher.

I was naked within seconds of getting back to the room. I handed Kari a condom. I loved to watch her put it on me. I laid her on the floor, crawled on top and plunged my penis into her. The rug was rough on my knees so after about five minutes I got up and sat on my desk chair.

I intently watched Kari as she threw her leg over me. She grabbed by penis and rubbed its tip around her pussy. She slapped her clitoris with it a few times and then guided it inside her.

We were in that position for some time. For awhile she’d ride me sliding up and down on my pole — sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Then we’d kiss and just rock back and forth together. And then I’d thrust up into her.

Next, I moved Kari over to the bunk beds and had her hold onto one of the support bars that was a bit over her head. She leaned forward and stuck her ass up into the air. I came up from behind and slid into her, leaning forward and grabbed her breasts. I kissed her back and shoulders as I massaged her tits and moved my hand down and worked her clitoris. Then I stood up and bent back a bit so that I could see my penis going into her vagina. This put me into a delirium. I had improved from our first sessions, but I still wasn’t an experienced lover. I was starting to cum before I was ready so I just grabbed the sides of her ass and started banging into her while trying to stifle my own cries of pleasure.

After we were done she told me that she’d be having her period soon and we wouldn’t be doing anything sexual over the weekend. Actually that didn’t exactly turn out to be the case.

On Saturday evening we ended up in my dorm watching “Saturday Night Live.” After it was over we went back to the secluded spot in my dorm where we had first made out. We kissed and made out and talked for some time. Before we knew it, it was about 2:30 a.m. She said that she’d better go back to her room but first slid down onto the floor in front of me.

There wasn’t a noise, not a person around. Kari looked up at me as she started rubbing my crotch. It didn’t take long for me to get hard. The next thing I knew Kari was unzipping my pants. She pulled out my penis and sucked on it a little getting it wet. Then she jerked me for a while before going back to fellatio. The only sucking of my dick she had done before was mostly as a tease.

She was fairly intense so it wasn’t long that I whispered in her ear that I was getting close. She hesitated. I guess she was running the options through her mind. She looked around, I think to see what she could do with me when I came.

But she was soon sucking the tip as she stroked the base and I started ejaculating into her mouth. She continued sucking and swallowed just about everything. It was oddly erotic and disgusting all at the same time.

After she put my penis away Kari told me that she’d never swallowed before but figured I’d swallowed so much of her wetness that she could return the favor.

That turned out to be the only time in my life that a lover swallowed my cum.

It took awhile but after we had dated awhile my wife did start to suck my penis. From the first time to the last I would tell her when I was getting ready to orgasm and she’d stop sucking and just jerk me until I came all over my stomach.

That last time was probably a good 18 years ago. I can’t imagine what she’d say now if I suggested, “if we’re only going to have intercourse once a month the least you could do is suck me off once in a while.”

No, I don’t think that would have the desired effect.

For now I’ve got to be content with my faded memory of  every part of Kari’s body. I should have studied my books as closely as I studied her body.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Why Everything That's Supposed to Be Bad Make Me Feel So Good?

Man, if you are a human being you can relate to what Kanye is talking about! Seems like the stuff that is ’supposed’ to be bad is what tends to draw us. I don’t know if it’s because we’ve been conditioned to ‘if it feels good do it’ or just that because it feels good- we do it. But the fact that this internal battle exists means that it can’t be ignored. It’s funny that Kanye tells this story (by the way the song is called “Addiction”) and you can take it very literally to mean that he is talking about an addiction to women, sex and drugs, but I think that he is talking about the general human nature of being drawn to destructive things in our lives.

Kanye’s (always) transparent honesty matches the Apostle Paul in the Bible:

Kanye’s lyrics:

“Why everything that’s supposed to be bad, make me feel so good/Everything they told me not to is exactly what I would/Man I tried to stop man I tried the best I could/But (You make me smile)

“What’s your addiction/Is it money, is it girls, is it weed?/I’ve been afflicted by not one, not two, but all three/She’s got the same thing about me, but more about us/She’s coming over so I guess that means I’m on drugs/Just let me peek now, I mean damn, I’m so curious/She’s got a lover so the lies and the lust is a rush/Time’s of the essence I need you to be spontaneous/Roll up the doge, henny and c-c-cola, then I’m c-coming over/ Cuz it’s ne-never over…

The Apostle Paul ‘raps’ something similar in Roman 7:16-25

What I don’t understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things that I absolutely despise… I obviously need help! I realize that I don’t have what it takes. I can will it, but I can’t do it. I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it. I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions such as they are don’t result in action. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time. It happens so regularly it’s predictable. The moment I decide to do good sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God’s commands but it’s pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Part of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge.

Can you relate?

There is a pretty plain reason WHY that happens which I’ll tell you about tomorrow.

Paul goes on to say: I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn’t that the real question?

Paul eventually figured it out, I’m not sure Kanye found his answer yet. But it’s the WHY and the WHAT is more practical than you think. And don’t think you already know the answer. Stay tuned.

Big Boobs And Big Butts Videos, Thats It!

Big Boobs And Big Butts Videos, Thats It!

Marilyn Scott was visiting from Texas and OMG this chick is smoking hot. Huge fucking tits, big ass, tight body, and adorable face – everything we love in a dirty girl. Marilyn wanted to get clean before she got down and dirty again so she slipped into a bubble bath. Watching her play in the tub and soaping up her tits was so sexy. It’s amazing how perky her massive tits are. Mike wasted no time pounding in Marilyn’s tight pussy and showing her how it’s done Bang Bros style. The chemistry between these two was really intense. This is definitely a Big Tits Round Asses you don’t want to miss!!   Click here for instant access

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Co 20. kobieta kocha się tylko po alkoholu

Co 20. kobieta kocha się tylko po alkoholu

Te statystyki szokują!
Alkohol nie tylko zwiększa kobiece libido. Jak się okazuje, dla wielu przedstawicielek płci pięknej staje się wręcz niezbędny w sypialni. Miliony kobiet potrzebują wysokoprocentowych trunków, by… być w stanie uprawiać seks. Inaczej nie mają odwagi.
Dlaczego? Bo “na trzeźwo” czują się zbyt niepewnie we własnych ciałach.
Prawie połowa przepytanych kobiet stwierdziła, że woli uprawiać seks, gdy znajduje się pod wpływem alkoholu, ponieważ pozwala im to pozbyć się swoich zahamowań i być bardziej otwartymi na przygody.
Badacze, którzy przepytali 3 tysiące brytyjskich kobiet pomiędzy 18 a 50 rokiem życia odkryli, że przeciętna kobieta miała ośmiu partnerów seksualnych. W zbliżeniu z przynajmniej pięcioma z nich była pijana. W dwóch z tych przypadków nie pamiętała nawet imienia mężczyzny następnego dnia.
Kilka głębszych większości przedstawicielek płci pięknej pozwala popuścić wodze namiętności i ujawnić dzikszą część swojej natury. Dotyczy to trzech czwartych pań.
Alkohol pomaga płci pięknej również rozładować napięcie i zrelaksować się. Szczególnie stresujący i wymagający takiego wsparcia jest pierwszy raz – nie tylko ten “najpierwszy”, ale każdy pierwszy stosunek z danym partnerem. Cztery na dziesięć kobiet przyznaje, że w takiej sytuacji “zawsze” są przynajmniej lekko wstawione.
Nie znaczy to, że sytuacja się poprawia, gdy para pozna się już bliżej… Blisko połowa pań generalnie preferuje seks “pod wpływem”. Nawet z kimś tak dobrze oswojonym, jak stały partner czy mąż. Trzy czwarte kobiet woli “walnąć sobie jednego” przed pójściem do łóżka ze swoim chłopakiem lub małżonkiem. A aż 14 procent nie jest w stanie zrobić tego bez wypicia wcześniej kilku kieliszków wina. I, co najbardziej szokujące: około sześciu procent pań nigdy nie uprawiała seksu na trzeźwo…
Za ten “pijany” obraz seksu, jaki wyłania się z tych badań, odpowiadają nie tylko kobiece zahamowania, ale również – zwyczaje towarzyszące romantycznym spotkaniom. Ponad połowa kobiet przyznała, że picie alkoholu z przyszłym partnerem było “częścią procesu randkowania”.
Zdaniem Kathryn Lakeland z firmy Femfresh, która przeprowadziła badanie, jego wyniki pokazują obraz kobiet, którym dotkliwie doskwiera brak pewności siebie.
“Fakt, że alkohol odgrywa tak integralną rolę w ich życiu erotycznym udowadnia, że kobiety szukają sposobu na zwiększenie swojego poczucia własnej wartości, gdy dochodzi do ich aktywności w sypialni” – mówi badaczka. Jej zdaniem zwyczaje i otoczka towarzyszące randkom odgrywają poboczną rolę.
“Podczas, gdy wiele kobiet twierdzi, że piją przed seksem tylko ze względu na zwyczaje towarzyszące randkom, ogromny procent po prostu nie jest w stanie przekroczyć progów sypialni bez dodania sobie kurażu” – przekonuje Lakeland. I ostrzega przed negatywnymi konsekwencjami picia i efektem “głowy pijanej“. “Czyniąc tak wiele kobiet traci samokontrolę. wtedy znacznie łatwiej o historie na jedną noc” – ostrzega.


Doing some more obsessive reflecting upon the recently reported final nail in the coffin of the drawn out  melodrama of  the boy, I have  come to realize that maybe our sex life was not really all that I built it up to be.  In a relatively short time it evolved into a fairly demented submissive fantasy that I really wanted and needed to work out of my system. Mostly, he liked me for my oral skills. His skills were top notch as well, but the real turn on was his willingness to totally dominate and objectify me .  Not a lot of tenderness or romance involved. Not that there is anything wrong with this kind of sexual relationship. Obviously,  it hooked me pretty deep as he strung me along for the years. Problem was,  I mistook it for love.  I wanted it to be love, but it was not. 

But now there is a chance that the gentle boy I met recently ( not quite sure how to refer to him really.. it’s too speculative)  is one of the tender ones - again I say this quite tentatively. I’m in no hurry.  But I think he might be one of those who likes to talk without the bullshit, who likes to kiss deeply and sweetly and look into my eyes  as he pushes into me. Like he’s really there with me and it means something other than simply getting off. I know I am projecting, again fantasizing, but it’s a whisper that’s been tapping in my head for the past week.  A little kink is cool once in a while but real tenderness is very appealing to me about now.  I think I will explore this scenario a little further and get back to you. Best not to overthink it.  I’ll just proceed and see where it takes me. Like I said, I’m in no hurry.  So. Tomorrow really is another day.

NOTE:  I am writing this post at the reference desk where I am continually interrupted by small children looking for books. I’m trying not to act annoyed but don’t they know I”m blogging about my fucking sex life here??? Such cognitive dissonance……   it’s a little disconcerting. Thus,  the possible lackluster eroticism I was aiming for. Although I’m finding myself strangely aroused as I search the catalog for the latest in the Junie B. Moon series…..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Azi, ieri si alaltaieri, de fapt in fiecare zi, ma masturbez singur in casa, pana imi pierd mintile. Am 17 ani, bube pe fata si nici o fata nu se uita la mine. Cu tata n-am curaj sa vorbesc, m-ar plesni de nu m-as vedea! Mamei…ce sa-i mai zic, saraca, si asa are destule pe cap.

Colegi de-ai mei umbla cu vagaboande mai mari ca ei. Unul a fost si bolnav. Ceva cu cruci in sange. Zice ca a luat antibiotice, dar noi stim ca nu s-a vindecat. Cu colegele mele de clasa nu pot sa merg, cica au facut educatie sexuala cu mamele, la scoala ne-au venit pliante, au inteles ca e primejdios sa faci sex cand esti minor, neprotejat, cu parteneri alesi aiurea.

Si eu ce ma fac? Ma masturbez, cu gandul la goeleta Dunarea, dar am in fata ochilor doar bricul Mircea…

Am reviste, filme, sunt dotat! O fi pacat sa te masturbezi? Nu l-am intrebat pe preot. Nici n-am curaj sa spun cuiva… Fac bube pe fata, stau si ma uit la filme, citesc reviste, imi curg balele…

Noaptea am polutii, mama s-a prins, dar ce sa faca? Toata lumea tace, desi cred ca si tata stie. Nimeni din casa insa, nu discuta subiectul asta. E tabu.

Tata s-o fi masturbat si el? Dar bunicul? Sau numai generatia mea e asa de pacatoasa?

E legal, sau ilegal?

E pacat sau nu-i pacat?

Si eu, eu ce ma fac?

Battle Of The Babes: Alektra Blue vs. Amy Ried

Title Battle Of The Babes: Alektra Blue vs. Amy Ried Genres All Sex,Anal, Gonzo, Lesbian, Threesome Actors Alektra Blue, Amy Ried, Courtney Cummz, Nikki Benz, Pat Myne Studio 3rd Degree Review Take 2 of the hottest, nastiest, horniest little sluts and match them up scene for scene, blow job for blow job, pussy pounding for pussy pounding, ass fucking for ass fucking. What do you get? 2 cock-filled, cum-drenched, well-fucked, ass-gaping nymphets? that really just love to FUCK. We call it ?Battle of the Babes?.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

konsten att ha sex som män.

En dag började jag fundera över hur lik jag är andra kvinnor, egentligen. Så jag gjorde en liten mindre undersökning.
Jag tog på mig solglasögonen, den lite suspekta trenchcoat’en och begav mig ut på promenad i min msn-lista.
Efter ett väldigt invecklat tag med många, långa utdragningar över att “men sexet är bra iallafall, jag klagar absolut inte och jag är nöjd med mig själv, FAKTISKT!” så kom jag fram till en sak.
Kvinnor är idioter.

Nog för att jag har vetat att vi kvinnor tänker för mycket och att vi inte alltid drar det längsta strået eller att vi har alla indianer i kanoten, men fan ta er kvinnor! SKÄRPNING!
Vi tänker på hur våra fettvalkar ser ut i den vinkeln, om han tänker på hur vår rumpa ser ut medan vi har 69:an, om vi har ett fult orgasmface, om dubbelhakan trillar ner över brösten ner vi febrilt försöker se sexigt ner på mannen som nafsar på våra bröstvårtor, är det verkligen skönt för honom när vi rider honom som om vi snabbspolade en porrfilm och hade dextrosol injekterat direkt till blodomloppet..så..vidare.
Vi tänker så mycket och mina funderingar blir då; njuter vi då ordentligt?
Jag fick höra att en väninnas tankebanor gick något liknande under sex;
“ser jag konstig ut från hans vinkel, varför stönar inte han lika mycket som jag, tycker han inte att det är skönt? men jag tycker ju att det är skönt men det är ju så svårt att komma, nu stönar han lite grann, kom han nu? ska jag komma nu? gud vad mina ben dallrar när han stöter in i mig, har jag en snorkråka som syns från den här vinkeln, men gud nu måste jag sluta tänka på det här och fokusera på att vi har sex. ja GuuUUUUuuud vad skönt det är, nu ska jag stöna lite extra så att han förstår att det är skönt.”

..och sen helt plötsligt out of the blue stönar hon för hela kung och fosterland.
När jag fick höra att hon var så pass orolig så tappade jag hakan. “jisses kvinna lugna ner dig!“.
Att kvinnor har fejkat orgasmer och förstört ljudvallar sedan urminnes tider vet vi alla, men går det ingen gräns?
Om man fejkar eller överdriver i sängen så bygger man upp en inbillning, naturligtvis. Han tror och tycker att allt är underbart och du får hyckla var-end-a gång . Sen på tjejkvällen 2 år senare gnäller du över att sexet är dåligt, ja men varför då?! Vi kvinnor bränner våra egna broar (och gräver våra egna gravar). SLUTA FEJKA!
Ja, jag har fejkat, ja jag har överdrivit. Ja-ja-ja-JA! Ni kvinnor som aldrig har gjort det och haft ett relativt aktivt sexliv i mer än 5 år LJUGER. Jag tror att det har med erfarenhet i kombination med självsäkerhet att göra. Man måste uppleva för att lära.

I en relation är man minst två människor. Det är sammansättning av två individer som får ett oskrivet uppdrag att kompromissa, dela, uppleva, bygga och utvecklas med varandra. Om man inte pratar så händer inget positivt. Falskhet borde inte få plats i en relation. Sex är en relativt stor del i ett vuxet förhållande och den delen måste fungera. Om man vill ha någonting får man be om det, om man vill ha någonting på ett specifikt sätt får man berätta det, vill man göra någonting får man visa det. undrar någon får man fråga och den andra får berätta. Finns det en anledning till att hon vill ha sex med lampan släkt? Finns det en anledning till att han inte tycker om när tjejen har händerna där? Prata med varandra. Rom byggdes inte på en dag och det gör absolut inte ett bra sexliv heller. Jag vet att det kan vara svårt att prata om sina sexuella hjärnspöken, fan jag vet! Jag har sådana jag med. Massor! Sen kommer jag på mig själv och tänker; “han har sex med mig av en anledning. han har en relation med mig av en anledning. Jag har sex nu och jag tycker det är skönt..som fan.. så nu slutar jag tänkaaaah..” Sen uppslukas jag av nuet, and it’s good! You should try it.

Jag undrar, tänker män lika mycket på sex som tjejer -under själva akten? Berätta för mig, snälla. Vad har ni för funderingar? Kvinnor tänker överlag på utseende och utövande ( jag sätter 50 spänn på att media och porrindustrin har ett finger med i spelet), men vad tänker ni på?

Så, hur lik är jag andra kvinnor nu då?
- Jag har mina spöken, jag tänker för mycket…MEN ( tony Irving jag älskar dig!) .. Jag har lärt mig att släppa det. Om nu killar inte tänker lika mycket under sex så kan jag väl säga; “jag har sex som en man”, även om jag vet att det låter helt åt helvete fel. Men hur många av er kvinnor kan säga det? .


Ha sex utan att tänka, njut. Efteråt kommer ni lyckligt förvånade över hur skönt det var (och kanske varför ni helt plötsligt ligger någon helt annanstans än var ni var i början av sexakten. blackout’s for the win! ) . Ingenting i denna värld kan slå två stora, anfådda, léenden, en stark omfamning och ett körsägande “det där var UN-DER-BART” från båda två. Så, hemläxa! Ha sex utan att tänka folk’s.*

* om ni enligt lag får ha sex, använd gärna kondom och testa er ofta efter sjukdomar.  (jag vill inte ha arga föräldrar efter mig som säger att jag uppmanar till spontant, anonymt sex. ….som ioförsig kan vara skönt det med! nej men, sa jag något dumt nu? -bite me.)

Sam Brett vs The Feminists

I know, I know. I shouldn’t have clicked on Sam Brett’s latest women-bashing blog post – Picking up his socks and faking orgasms: the new feminism? – but I felt I had to defend my honour, or something:

I hate to say it … but I’m sick to death of the battle of the sexes. I’m tired of the confusion, I’m worn down by the games and I want the feminists to get their story straight before they vehemently berate us over how modern women are supposed to behave.

Um, Sam, you’ve been bashing feminists for a long, long time, and you’re ALWAYS tell “modern women” how they should behave. Perhaps you’re just jealous that feminists are stealing your audience?

Suddenly Weldon, the feminist (or ex-feminist as she’s now known), is telling women to quit their go-girl mantra and basically to shut up and put up with commitment-phobic slobs who, by the way, shouldn’t be expected to be like good girlfriends. Yep, instead of being able to have a good girly chat, women should simply appreciate men’s need for sex.

Anyone with only a passing knowledge of Weldon will know that hers ain’t the bra burning kind of feminism. And all of the problems Sam blames on feminism – such as who pays on the first date, and does splitting the bill mean you’re not interested? – are really just people being too scared or too silly after reading too much Sam Brett to communicate with each other. I mean, really, if the only way you can tell if someone is interested in you is if they offer to pay for dinner, then you’re got problems.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Carol Queen and the Center for Sex and Culture.

She’s the 53-year-old walking through Hollywood wearing a commandeered “Ex-Masturbator” t-shirt to get a rise out of the locals. She’s the sex-ed pioneer who drove cross-country, leaving a trail of gay bookstores and women-owned/worker-operated sex shops across small town America. She’s the nighttime switchboard operator at San Francisco Sex Information. She’s the peep show booth worker at SF’s Lusty Lady.

She’s a Ph.D.

She’s also the co-founder and Executive Director of San Francisco’s Center for Sex and Culture—the only non-profit, publicly available space and library dedicated to providing judgment-free education and events addressing the full spectrum of human sexuality.

“If I really had to boil down all of my work, I would want people to get this notion of diversity [within sexual orientation],” says Dr. Carol Queen, engaging intently through her black, Waldo-esque glasses and short-cropped silver hair.

“There’s 6 billion people on the planet. There are 6 billion sexual orientations,” chimes in Dr. Robert Lawrence, fellow Ph.D. and co-founder. Queen looks over affectionately and nods in agreement.

Queen is a cultural sexologist, which she defines as the fusion of sociology and sexology, the study of sexual identities and communities.

In addition to her academic background, her unique insight into sexuality and identity comes from her own life-long, fluid and evolving sexual profile—one that’s been at odds with society’s dominant conceptions of sexual orientation at every turn.

Spawning from this experience, Queen’s work to educate—from her youth to the present—has been a resistance to these social forces by attempting to create a space for herself and others to explore and carve out their own unique sexualities.

Born in Eugene, Oregon, Queen grew up between the two “tiny little communities” of Cheshire and Triangle Lake—unincorporated and primarily loggers and ranchers. “Not even towns,” she adds.

She had a high school graduating class of 75. The entire community was insular.

“My parents were the only ones that subscribed to magazines from out in the world,” she says.

“All I knew was that there’s a world out there and I wanna know what’s going on in it,” she says. “I felt like I was from Mars. The weird kid.”

Finding it difficult to relate to her peers, Queen early on was “oriented towards adults and adulthood” where sex is “the big line between childhood and adulthood,” she says.

By 15 she was already analyzing sexuality.

“First, my parents were obviously, and understandably, having problems around sexuality,” she says.

Queen would later learn that her mother was abused as a young girl and was never comfortable communicating.

Secondly, Queen was—as she self-describes—“a little adventurous”. She was having an affair with one of her teachers.

“I was openly interested in sexuality more than a young woman is supposed to be,” she says. “I became conscious of issues of sex and culture since I needed to be conscious and cautious.”

Also at 15, while studying abroad in Germany, Queen found herself having crushes on girls for the first time.

“I knew I was probably bi[sexual], whatever that meant,” she says.

Queen graduated high school early and went on to the University of Oregon at 16. She sought LGBT support but was surprised to find it lacking.

“I was too young to get support,” she says. “The main space for living gay lives at that time was the gay bar.” 21+ year olds were wary of Queen and none of them “were comfortable at that time with the notion of bisexuality,” she says.

Consequently, Queen found herself being pushed to identify as a lesbian for more than 10 years even though she was “still sneaking around with boys,” she admits.

It wasn’t until the 80s when HIV erupted into the American social consciousness that Queen admitted her bisexuality.

“I lived my bisexuality through lots of crushes and friendships with gay men, but really I was bi,” she says. Suddenly the men closest to her were at risk.

Once she came out, many of her friends conceded that they too were bisexual.

“I thought to myself, ‘where the fuck were you people when I needed friends?’” she says with a laugh.

It felt like “my 2nd, 3rd, 4th coming out,” but “I felt like I actually had a role to play around HIV education,” she says. So she moved to San Francisco though she confesses she also “had a girlfriend [she] was chasing.”

From there she received her doctorate from the Institute of Advanced Study of Human Sexuality and did a “lot of lab work,” she says with a wink. “I had a space to explore what I was interested in.”

It’s that freedom and culture that she promotes in her writing and through her work at the Center.

Queen has edited and penned many titles, ranging from various erotica to “Everything You Know about Sex is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to the Extremes of Human Sexuality (and everything in between)”.

Now as a middle aged woman experiencing menopause, Queen experiences changing sexual energy and priorities. She affirms that she is bisexual but with a life partner that has been disabled for ten years, she doesn’t prioritize experimentation as much.

“When you reach mid-lifespan with it, you realize [sexuality’s] not a destination, it’s a journey,” she says.

Some question the validity of her work.

“I’m too busy to dwell on it,” Queen says.

But with the Center having regular workshops, a library of over 15,000 (logged) volumes and a global mailing list of over 7,000, Queen says with a smile, “it’s obvious to me that what I’m doing is valuable enough to some people to keep on doing it.”

साली की चुदाई

हेल्लो दोस्तों !

मैं आज आप सबको यह सच्ची कहानी बता रहा हूँ कि कैसे मैंने अपनी साली को चोदा।

यह उन दिनों की बात है जब मेरा रिश्ता पक्का हुआ था। मेरी बीवी की ३ बहने हैं। एक बड़ी ओर दो छोटी।

सगाई के बाद मैं एक बार किसी काम से अपनी बड़ी साली के घर पर गया तो पता चला कि उसका पति टूर पर बाहर गया हुआ है और ३ दिन में वापिस आएगा।

मैं वहां रात को पहुँचा था। मेरी साली मुझे देख केर बहुत खुश हुई। उसकी आंखों में एक अजीब सी चमक आ गई थी। खाना खाने के बाद हम बातें करने लगे। मेरी बड़ी साली का नाम रीना है।

बातें करते करते मैंने कहा- मुझे नींद आ रही है तो उसने मुझे अपने साथ वाले कमरे में सोने को कहा। थोडी देर के बाद रीना मेरे पास आ कर बैठ गई।

मैंने शरारत में कहा- साली जी ! क्या ख्याल है ! आप के इरादे कुछ ठीक नहीं लग रहे।

तो वोह बोली- यह जीजा साली का रिश्ता होता ही है ऐसा कि इसमें शरारत तो होती ही है। उसने नाईट गाऊन पहन हुआ था। मैंने धीरे से अपना पैर उसके पैर से छू दिया तो वोह मुस्कराने लगी।

मैं समझ गया कि मामला साफ़ है। मैंने उसे कहा- रीना पास आ जाओ और वोह मेरे पास आ कर लेट गई।

मैंने उसे कहा तू कितनी सेक्सी है !

तो वोह बोली- शर्म नहीं आती ! साली पर लाइन मार रहे हो?

तो मैं बोला- अब तो साली की चूत मारूंगा !

यह सुन कर वोह मेरे से लिपट गई। मैंने उसका गाऊन उतार दिया, अब वोह बिल्कुल नंगी थी। मैंने भी अपने कपड़े उतार दिए और उस से लिपट गया और उस पर टूट पड़ा। मैंने उसके नंगे बदन को चूमना और काटना शुरू कर दिया।

वोह भी गरम हो गई और कहने लगी- जीजू अपनी साली को चोद दो। जब से तुम्हें देखा है, तुमसे चुदने के लिए तरस रही हूँ !

मैंने अपना लण्ड उसके मुहँ में डाल दिया और वोह उसे प्यार से चूसने लगी।

फिर वोह बोली- मुझे अपने ऊपर आने दो।

वोह मेरे ऊपर आ गई और मेरा लण्ड अपनी चूत में डाल कर आगे पीछे होने लगी और मेरे मुहँ में अपना निप्पल डाल दिया।

मैं उसके निप्पल को चूसने लगा और वोह झड़ गई।

फ़िर मैं उसके ऊपर लेट गया और उसे काफी देर तक चोदा।

उसके बाद ३ दिन तक उसे रोज ३-३ बार चोदा। मैंने उससे बाकी सालियों को चोदने के बारे में भी पूछ लिया जो मैं आप को बाद में बताउंगा।

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lightning Strikes Twice

Six weeks after learning of the death of Michelle for the very first time in the obituary and entertainment section of the local newspaper. Whose well attended funeral her public relations staff hadn’t notified me of since our sexual relationship had been a well kept secret. At least from Michelle’ family, her public relations staff and the ever raging out of control media whose voracious minions gobbled up every juicy tidbit and rumor they came across like piranhas turned loose in a goldfish pond. But not, as I was soon to learn, from one of her more recent collaborators on a film that now wouldn’t  make its way into the can without some major revisions.

Once again I was sitting in the popular and crowded café typing a short story into my ever present laptop while nursing a steaming hot cup of java. Which I absentmindedly sipped from time to time as I ignored both the people and their conversations flowing around me like flotsam on a meandering stream. When a curly haired strawberry blonde goddess whose curvaceous figure was encased in a modest pullover dress. Quite suddenly appeared, as if arriving from another dimension in the space time continuum after a single twitch of her nose, without any warning whatsoever sitting in the chair across the table from me.

“I hope you don’t mind if I sit here for a spell.” she said as my fingertips tapped the keys on my laptops keyboard at a furious pace.

Startled I looked up for a moment dazed and unable to break away from my story and focus on the gorgeous strawberry blonde who sat across the table grinning at me. Granting her permission to sit in the chair across from me that had been empty just a moment before with a slight nod of my head after which I returned to my story. Nor did I look up again until I’d finished writing the last line of my short story which me took nearly an hour to write. Only to discover that the cute curly haired strawberry blonde was still sitting across from me waiting patiently for me to finish writing.

This time I recognized the curly haired goddess, as my eyes swam back into focus, as one of my all time favorite actresses who I’d just about give anything to meet. But never expected to do so since at the time I was an unknown writer who was about to publish his first book of poetry. Once again the curly strawberry blonde haired goddess grinned at me as we sat there gazing into each others eyes for a long moment as I slowly regained my senses.

“Michelle told me so much about you that I just had to come see for myself now that she is gone while I’m in town on business for a few days.” the curly haired goddess said to break the impenetrable wall of icy silence that seemed to lay between us.

“I’m glad that you did.” I replied as I slowly came down from the high I always get whenever I’m writing and seeming ever so slowly regained my normal poise and demeanor.

Thus began another chapter of one of the greatest sexual adventures of my life as I soon learned. That not only had the curly haired strawberry blonde goddess taken some time out of her busy, hectic and frantic schedule in order to spend some time with me. But after reading a series of four poems that I had written entitled: “The Four Seasons of Love” that were about to be published for the first time in my book. A copy of which I’d given to Michelle and who’d in turn loaned it to her fellow actress and collaborator. The curly haired and strawberry blonde goddess had also sought me out because she and her partner, of the production company they owned, was interested in making a movie based on those four poems.

Of course I was excited and eagerly gave the curly haired goddess who sat grinning at me from across the table. The business card of my literary agent who’d stanchly warned not to make any deals on my own. Lest I unwittingly cheat myself out of the monetary rewards that my writing would otherwise have garnered for our bank accounts. Nodding her head in understanding as to how things were done in tinsel town the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess took the card that I proffered to her and made it disappear. After which our conversation quite naturally turned to more personal matters since the business at hand had been dwelt with and set aside.

For the next couple of hours all the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess and I did was too reminisce about our mutual friend, the dearly departed Michelle. Whose bond of friendship was all that we had in common yet had managed to bring us together at the very same spot where Michelle had introduced herself to me. So that by the time I was ready to leave the café in order to head back up the mountain to the privacy of my hidden retreat. I felt comfortable enough to invite the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess to accompany me to my secret hideaway. Holding out the state of the art holographic suite that I’d recently had installed like a carrot dangling in front of her nose.

Ever since the invention and mass distribution of the replicator which could now be found in each and every home throughout the Federation of Planets. Most people had absolutely no need to carry any personal luggage when they traveled since what they needed could so easily be obtained from a replicator. Which meant that the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess could drop everything as well as put all of the balls she was juggling on pause in order to spend a few days alone with me in the mountains. Without the need to return to her hotel room, retrieve her belongings and checkout of the over hyped  pricy digs. All she had to do was tapp the com button on her watch that everybody wore in order to both inform her staff as to the change in plans as well as to instruct them just what to do about it. Before leaving the café with me as we walked arm in arm down the street to where hardtop convertible sat in its parking space patiently awaiting my return.

So it was that as the sun went down that the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess and I retired to the state of the art holographic suite. That I’d recently had installed in a back room of my Hobbit style house that I’d had built into the accessible spot on the grassy slope of a mountain side. With as good a view as possible out the front door just like the home of Bilbo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings trilogy that had been released in movie theaters at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Only instead of looking out at the spectacular view just outside my front door. The strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess and I found ourselves walking hand in hand as well as barefoot along a beach as the tide ebbed to and fro. While overhead two distinct moons, which in reality actually orbited around another planet clear across the known galaxy, sailed across the star filled sky. As the sound of the ocean gently lapping against the shoreline helped us to relax as well as to shrug off the cares and worries of our individual lives. While the refreshing scent of the salty air invigorated the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess and I with a renewed sense of well being. That seemingly often escaped us when out and about in the real world as well as allowed my former lovers fellow actress and collaborator. To completely let go, at least for the moment, of the inhibitions that our society deems fit to impose on the so called little people.

Without fear of the media hounds who derive so much joy out of pestering and destroying the reputations, careers and lives of those in the entertainment business.  The strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess at last let go of my hand and turned to face even as she took a couple of steps back away form me. Reaching down she crossed her arms as her fingers grasped the hem of the modest pullover dress that she was still wearing.

Where to my increasing delight and joy the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess pulled off her dress. Lifting the cottony fabric upwards and pulling it off where she lifted it high into the air and let go. So that the breeze blowing from off the ocean instantly seized her dress within it’s invisible talons and made off with it. So that at last my former lover’s fellow actress and collaborator, who had chosen not to wear any underwear when she’d gotten dressed that morning, stood before me in all the glory of the womanly beauty that mother nature had bestowed upon her daughter.

In another moment my clothes took flight as well, my arms opening wide in order to receive my former lover’s fellow actress and collaborator in an embrace filled with joy, love and passion. As the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess threw her arms about my neck as I drew her naked body up against mine. Our lips brushing against each other in a kiss that became increasingly intimate and passionate as we met each other halfway. An action on both of our parts that required me to bend down towards the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess even as she pulled herself upwards and stood up onto the tips of her toes.

Before long my former lover’s fellow actress and collaborator and I found ourselves lying on top of the wet and packed surface of the sand. With the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess lying on her back with all four of her limbs wrapped tightly about my neck and waist. Ignoring the water ebbing and flowing all around us and in some cases over our naked bodies as we thrashed about. Making love beneath the two moons lazily sailing overhead across the star filled sky and seemingly so close that all one had to do in order to feel their crater pocked surface was to reach out and touch it.

The sound of our sighs, moans and cries mingled together on the breeze shattering the silence framed by the increasing sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The intensity of her sexual arousal had made the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess far more wetter that I’d expected or had even anticipated. Allowing the entire length of my rock hard and throbbing manhood to slip easily inside the warmth of the velvety glove of her love canal. The pressure of my throbbing masculinity sliding up inside the flower of her womanhood. Caused the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess to throw back her head and her eyes rolled back up inside her head. As she gave expression to the sexual ecstasy she was experiencing when she felt herself spread open wider then she been in a long while. When the low moan escaping from between her lips suddenly became a long drawn out and piercing cry.

Again and again my rock hard and throbbing cock slid upwards into the welcoming body of my former lover’s fellow actress and collaborator.  Who writhed beneath me in sexual ecstasy as my hips continued to rise and fall like the pistons in a high powered race car engine. Nor did I stop humping up and down between the clean shaven thighs of the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess. Or allowed myself to cum  until at last I felt the pulsing within the depths of her loins as well as heard her screams of sexual ecstasy as together we came as one. The warmth of my seed setting off a series of multiple climaxes inside the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddesses loins as it flowed upwards freely and unimpeded into my former lover’s fellow actress and collaborator’s womb.

Afterwards we lay there on the wet sand  in each others arms catching our breaths, the incoming tide flowing around our fevered bodies. Cooled us down but was quite unable to completely put out the fires of our still smoldering passions as we lay there gazing into the liquid depths of each others eyes. Until at last we jump up and raced each other into the ocean where we throughly rinsed off the grains of sand still clinging to our backsides.

“End program.” I spoke out loud as the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess and I walked out of the water holding hands. In a flash the wind, ocean, waves and even both moons disappeared to reveal the familiar yellow lines of the empty holographic suite. A warm current of air dried our bodies and hair as we made our way towards the double doors of the entrance to the start of the art holographic chamber.

Leaving the room in which all of my dreams could come true  I led my former lover’s fellow actress and collaborator to my well appointed sleeping chamber and the king size bed that lay within. Upon which the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess and I wrestled and banged the living daylights out of each other. As we took turns mounting on top of each other beneath the clean and fresh satin sheets, until at last both of us fell into an exhausted but sated sleep in each others arms.

The rest of the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddesses visit was just as exciting as that first night. Sadly coming to an end as all good things must do sooner or later even though it is more often than not hoped to be later than sooner. As the strawberry blonde and curly haired goddess was forced to return at last to the hectic and frantic pace of her lifestyle as both an actress and producer in the entertainment business.

My former lover’s fellow actress and collaborator left me behind to dream of the ripe curves of her well endowed body and the sweetness of her kisses. Her promise to return ringing in my ears as I watched the shuttle lift off a short distance from my hidden retreat. The Hobbit hole that I’d had constructed within the grassy slope of the accessible mountainside. Where I stood just outside my front door waving at the departing shuttle as it receded into the distance until at last it disappeared from sight altogether.

सेक्स की भूख

मैं पंजाब से हूं और मैं सेक्स का हर वक्त प्यासा रहता हूं, मैं २४ साल का हूं, ये बात तब कि है जब मैं १९ का था और मेरे घर में मैं, मोम और डैड हैं हमारे घर पर एक काम वाली नयी आयी, क्या चीज़े थी, मैं तो पहले दिन जब उसको देखा तो बस देखता ही रह गया और सोचा कि अब शायद मेरा काम हो जायेगा मेरे लंड जी की प्यास बुझ जायेगी, उसकी फ़ीगर देख कर मेरा तो लंड उछलने लगा उसकी फ़ीगर ३६-३२-३६ थी। वो शादी-शुदा थी और ६ फ़ीट की गोरी चिट्टी औरत थी, और मोटी मोटी आंखें थी। एक दिन जब वो मेरे रूम में सफ़ाई कर रही थी तो मैने उसके बड़े २ बूब्स देखे और उसके चले जाने के बाद, मैं बाथरूम चला गया और अपने लंड को बाहर निकाल कर उसके नाम की मुठ मार दी। मैं उससे सेक्स करना चाहता था लेकिन डरता था उससे।

एक दिन मोम और डैड दोनो बाहर चले गये। मैं घर पे अकेला था और शाम के ५ बजे थे मैंने ब्लू मूवी देखनी स्टार्ट की और अपना लंड बाहर निकाल लिया। अचानक काम वाली अंदर आ गयी न जाने वो कब आ गयी, मुझे पता नहीं चला कि कब मैन गेट खुला और वो अंदर आ गयी मैने उसे देख कर डर गया और वो मुझे नंगा देख कर बाहर चली गयी और किचन में जाकर बर्तन धोने लगी। मैं डरा हुआ टीवी बंद करके अपनी पैंट बंध कर रसोई में चला गया और मैने धीरे से कहा कि आंटी चाय पेयोगी वो गुस्से में बोली नहीं। मैं और डर गया। मैने कहा आंटी प्लीज़ किसी को मत बताना जो अंदर देखा। वो कुछ नहीं बोली। मैने फिर कहा प्लीज़ मोम को मत बताना। उसने कहा तुझे शरम नहीं आती ये सब करते हुए। मेरे पसीने छूट गये। मैने हाथ जोड़े प्लीज़ आंटी, मुझे पता नहीं चला कि आप कब आ गयी और मैं गरम था, उसने मुझे आंखों से घूरा और वो बोली तुम सारा दिन ये ही करते हो क्या, चल अपने रूम में जा। मुझसे बात मत कर मैं तेरी मां को बोल दूंगी की इसकी शादी कर दे। मैने बहुत रेकुएस्ट की।

लेकिन वो नहीं मानी। मैं रूम में आ गया वो १५ मिनट बाद मेरे रूम में आयी और मेरे पास आकर खड़ी हो गयी मैने फिर कहा आप जो कहोगी करूंगा अगर तुमको पैसे चाहिये तो ले लो, वो और गरम हो गयी और मुझे थप्पड़ लगा दिया और कहा मैं बिकाऊ नहीं हूं। मैं रोने लग गया। वो मेरे पास बेड पर बैठ गयी और बोली ये रोकर किसको दिखा रहा है। मैने कहा प्लीज़्ज़ज़्ज़ज़्ज़ज़्ज़ज़्ज़ आंटी अब नहीं करूंगा, वो बोली क्या नहीं करेगा, मैने कहा मुठ नहीं मारूंगा, बोली पक्का। मैने कहा प्रोमिस। उसने अपनी टांगे बेड पर रखी उसने काली साड़ी पहन रखी थी। उसने मेरे गालों पर हाथ लगाया और बोली मत रो, मेरे राजा मैं तो तुमको डरा रही थी।

तू तो सच में डर गया, चल अब शुरु हो जा मस्ती कर, ये ही तो उमर है ये सब करने की, मुझको ऐसी बातें सुन कर थोड़ा सकून मिला। और उसने अपना हाथ मेरी ज़िप पर रखा, अरे मेरे राजा तुम्हारा लंड तो सो रहा है। मैं उसके मुंह से लंड शब्द सुन हैरान रह गया और उसने कहा चल अपनी पैंट उतार। मैने कहा क्या आंटी बोली सुनाई नहीं देता क्या, चल। मैने अपनी पैंट उतार दी और उसने मेरा अंडरवियर खींच दिया और मेरे ३ इंच के लंड को हाथ लगाया और मेरा लंड टाइट होने लगा और उसने मेरे लंड की टोपी को अपने अंगूठे से स्पर्श किया ,अब मैं मस्त हो गया और वो बोली तेरा लंड तो बहुत बड़ा है और देखते ही देखते मेरा लंड पूरा खड़ा हो गया और उसने मेरा ८ इंच का लंड अपने मुंह में ले लिया और उसको चूसने लगी, मुझे ऐसा अनुभव पहली बार हुआ, मुझे ऐसा लग रहा था कि जैसे मैं स्वर्ग में हूं

मेरे लंड को चूसने के बाद वो खड़ी हो गयी उसने अपनी साड़ी उतार दी और अपना पेटीकोट भी, मैने भी हिम्मत कर अब उसके बूब्स दबा दिये और उसका काली ब्रा उतार फ़ेंका वो उसके मोटे २ गोरे २ बूब्स को दबाने लगा, उसकी चूचियां कड़ी हो गयी और बोली समीर बाबु दबा ज़ोर से, आआआआह्हह्हह ऊऊह्हह्हह्हह्हह्हह्हह्हह्हह, मैं भी बहुत दिनो की प्यासी हूं। मैने उसके मम्में जमकर चूसे वो सिसकियां ले रही थी और ऐसे में मैने एक हाथ से उसकी पैंटी उतार दी और अब हम दोनो बिल्कुल नंगे हो गये, मैने उसकी चूत में उंगली डाल दी, वो सिसकियां ले रही थी आअह्हह्हह्हह्हह समीर बाबु मर गयी। आज मेरी प्यास बुझा दो हम अब ६९ पोजिशन में आ गये उसने मेरा लंड फिर चूसना शुरु किया और मैने अपनी जीभ उसकी गरम चूत पर रख कर उसे कुत्ते की तरह चाटने लगा।

उसने अब अजीब अंदाज़ में कहा साले कुत्ते अब मत तड़पा चोद दे मुझको फाड़ दे मेरी चूत, मरी जा रही हूं मैं ऐसा सुनकर मैने भी बोला चल साली रांड आजा आज तेरी चूत फाड़ दूंगा और मैने उसे कुतिया बना लिया और लंड का सुपाड़ा उसकी चूत पर रख दिया और हल्का सा धक्का लगाया और वो बोली आअह्हह्हह्हह्हह्हह्हह ऊऊह्ह ह्हह्हह्हह्हह साले पूरा डाल अपनी रंडी आंटी के अंदर और मैने ज़ोर से झटका दिया और बोला ले साली रंडी आंटी अब पूरा ८ इंच का लंड उसकी चूत में प्रवेश कर चुका था। वो बोल रही थी आआआअह्हह्हह्ह ऊऊऊओह्हह्हह्हह्हह आआऊऊऊऔऊऊउस्सछह्हह मार डाला रे, इतना दर्द तो सुहागरात को नहीं हुआ, हरामी तेरा लौड़ा ही इतना बड़ा है, ऐसे गालियां सुन मुझे गुस्सा आया और मैं ज़ोर २ से उसको चोदता गया और वो मुझे गालियां दिये जा रही थी साले कुत्ते आअह्हह्हह्ह फाड़ दे आह्हह समीर बाबु आआह्हह्हह्हह ऊऊऊह्हह्हह आज लगा दे सारा ज़ोर।

कमरे में चुदाई की आवाज़ और आआआअह्ह ऊओह्हह्ह की आवाज़ से भर गयी। और वो पागल हो गयी मैं भी वो सीधी लेट गयी और मैने उसकी टांगे खोल कर उसकी फिर से चुदाई शुरु कर दी और वो मेरी पीठ पर नाखून सहलाने लगी उसने मेरी चेस्ट पर कात लिया और वो अब दूसरी बार झड़ गयी और बोली साले आज फाड़ देगा क्या चल ज़ोर लग आआआअह्हह्हह्हह्ह मेरा वीर्य आ गया और मैं आनन्द से भर गया। और सारा वीर्य उसकी चूत में ही छोड़ दिया और अब हम दोनो शान्त हो गयी। उसने मेरे माथे पे किस किया और बोली तू मुझे रोज़ चोदा कर मैं तेरी इस चुदाई से खुश हुई

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Insatiable Lust: Anytime, Anyone

Considering that my only blog contribution so far has been two pessimistic, slightly misanthropic comments, I’ll try to keep this post on the light side (no promises). While reading and discussing the selections from Intimate Matters, it became more and more clear that 1) sexuality is made, usually by the dominant power group, rather than natural and 2) the construction of sexuality, sexual mores and sexual prohibitions are often incredibly complicated. We, or at least I, tend to think of American from the seventeenth century to the pre-hippie 1960s as following a pretty constant sexual script. The degree of overall prude-ness might fluctuate, but always against the constant backdrop of sex in marriage and the chaste female. Turns out, not only are different positions in the social hierarchy—racial and economic “others” are very visible examples– judged by and subjected to varying norms (still imposed or perpetuated or relied upon by those of higher status), but a fundamental “fact” can reverse with time—even if its subject remains the same. To be more specific, women were once seen as sexually and emotionally capricious; Eves walking around in contemporary garb instead of conspicuous grape leaves. Men were rational, capable of restraining themselves and the “lesser” sex. Somewhere in the mix of history, politics, culture and who knows else, the story was gradually transformed—women evolved from sinners into domestic goddesses, guardians of family morals. Men were neatly absolved of self control and their previous supervisory responsibilities—it was women’s duty to save them. These two extremes clearly show the capricious and often contradictory manifestations of “sexuality.” This idea perfectly jives with an innocuous but amusing fact that I heard two years ago in an intro pysch class. The professor was going over biological theories of homosexuality when she mentioned in passing that the “homosexuals” involved in medical and psychological studies are largely male. Apparently scientists consider female sexuality too “fluid” and “open” to be confidently relied upon and measured.  An “educated” view that bears a disturbing resemblance to the oversexed young male’s view that lesbians are hot, but sex acts between two men is just, well…gay.

I Got Laid!

There is nothing sexy about sandy eggo.  Not a god dam thing.  Last year when school started I sent my girlfriend back east and I put my nose in a book.  bout a hundred of em’ actually.  A year later I looked up to realize that this town managed to turn me into a cold frigid bitch.  This is antithetical to my natural sex goddess existence.  Last week when I got real sick with what I was certain was a life threatening illness I went to an acupuncturist.  She put all these needles in me and it felt really good until I left and I started hacking, I was cold and hot and dizzy and I thought I was dying.  I had a panic attack, a blood sugar freak out.  I thought I was getting old.  Shit I was really freaked out.  I couldn’t even walk a couple days there.  After I went to the ER and the doctor suggested that it might be stress I decided it was time for me to get laid.

As it happened the beautiful black man from the pizza parlor political adventure called me up.  I returned his suggestion to get together with “I’ll just come to your place and we can fuck.”  He liked this plan but as it worked out he has a “roommate.”  So we met at a hotel.  It has been a long time since I have even been touched by another person so I was a tad neurotic, to say the least.

I told him how I have turned into a germ-aphobe, how there was no way I could kiss him, and then we got naked.

His dick was one of those curved dicks.  It was shaped like a sex toy designed to stimulate the g-spot.  My fucking lucky day.  I grabbed it, slid a rubber on it, and took it for a ride.  It felt so delicious to have a beautiful black man in me.  Ohhhhhhhhhh, I moaned.  I rode him for a while, spun around, stood up in my new Dior open toed pumps, jumped up on the vanity, had him fuck me all over the room.

At some point he picked me up and carried me over to the bed, laying me on my back.  Now I’m not usually much for the missionary position, but with that crazy curved cock of his I was more than happy to lay there on my back while he rocked slowly in and out of me.  Then quick, then slow, then quick.  He had some technique.  I came over and over and over.

After an hour and a half of fucking we collapsed into a heap.  Like the horny little bitch I am I asked him if he could do it again or if he was a one hit wonder.  He laughed.  We passed out and in the morning I found myself waiting in line at the DMV thinking I should have tied him up and demanded more sex.

It was a hot night of crazy curved cock action.  I might just see him again.  I know one thing – I feel a lot better.  A lot more relaxed and now that my year of celibacy has been broken you can expect a lot more sexcapades on this blog of mine.

Hurray I got laid!  Watch out sexy black men.

Friday, September 18, 2009

365 Days of Sex

I started to call today “Freaky Friday” but thought that would be a bit crass, but how can you have a marriage blog and NOT talk about sex, right?!?

I ran into this interesting book two months ago called: Adventures in Sex: 365 ways to make every day & night more exciting, which was put together by the editor of one of my favorite magazines Men Health. Of course I’m a guy so I picked the book up and read it and thought it was a pretty interesting book. And I shared lots of the book with Thea.

The book (which is for both men and women) dabbles in the “art” of love-making and comes up with an adventure in sex for every night (or day) for a full year. Each day either offers a new position, a special technique, fantasy roles, foods that set the mood or just general information. So there is something in there for the “freak” and the “prude” so you have your choice. The book is entertaining with it’s a “different day, a different way” approach. Don’t be scared off by the book, while some pages are shocking other pages hold really valuable “I didn’t know that before” information that is helpful.

Party Hardcore 37

Title Party Hardcore 37 Genres All Sex, Orgy, Lesbian Actors Amateurs Studio Eromaxx Review The music is loud, lights are flashing, drinks are flowing, and the amateur cuties are getting out of control – to say the least! Actually, these girl-next-door bitches are just damn wild – so much so that the sight of male flesh makes their sexy party pussies start dripping something fierce, sending their cooters into an uproar as they compete to see how much cock they can suck in the course of a single evening.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dostanete chuť na sex

1.Pokud žárovka doslouží tak ji vyměníte za novou, vše zde jednou doslouží a musí se to nahradit, problémem je že mnohé sice ještě slouží ale už je to zastaralé a tak se to za nové nenahradí.

2.Tak jako se musí nahrazovat staré informace za nové informace, tak se musí i nahrazovat lidi, starý člověk nedokáže to, co dokáže mladý člověk.

3.Proces nahrazování je velmi složitý, a pokud u něj uděláme někde chybu tak tím způsobíme veliké škody, člověk nezvládnul proces nahrazování a tak nám nezbude než tento proces přenechat centrální umělé inteligenci a robotům.

4.Každý člověk na světě bude pod neustálou kontrolou, a když kontrola zjistí, že je třeba člověka nahradit tak on bude nahrazen a tělo bude recyklované na potravní granule.

5.Stejně se to bude ovšem dělat i u automobilů nebo domů, nebude zde nějaká ochrana památek vše zde bude nové, představte si to třeba u vašeho mobilu, jež bude ve vašich hodinkách.

6.Kontrola zjistí, že je váš mobil zastaralý a tak ve schránce naleznete nový mobil a ten starý hodíte do koše, tak jako vás dneska kontrolují, jestli máte lístek tak vás budou kontrolovat, jestli nemáte na sobě nebo u sebe něco co je staré, vše se bude recyklovat budou jakési továrny na recyklaci kde se i váš starý mobil recykluje.

7.Podívejte se do přírody zde nenaleznete nic co je staré vše je neustále nahrazováno novým a vše se recykluje, proč by měl zde člověk žít do 80 let a jenom se trápit je to zbytečné!

8.Péče o naše zdraví bude pro nás na prvním místě, nikdo nebude pít alkohol a kouřit tabák nebo brát prášky na hlavu, každý bude sportovat a zdravě jíst a žít.

9.Tak jako se budou nahrazovat věci a lidi tak se budou nahrazovat i služby a informace i ideologie, nikde se nesetkáte už s vírou v Ježíše Krista nebo vírou v Socialismus, jedinou vírou bude přirozená evoluční změna.

10.Přijdete domů ze zaměstnání a ve vašem bytě bude vše nové, roboti to staré odvezou na recyklaci a dají vám do bytu vše nové a ještě vám nově vymalují byt a vše vyčistí.

11.Zapnete si notebook a on najednou automaticky spustí výměnu operačního systému, pochopitelně že vaše stará data smázne což vám vadit nebude protože si stáhnete ze sítě nová data.

12.Dostanete chuť na sex a tak vejdete do ložnice a tam bude nová manželka a ta stará manželka byla bez vašeho vědomí recyklována.

The Widow (Beacon Books #222)

[cover image coming]

Ah, back to the Orrie Hitt I like — the wayward dames, the cheating wives, the drunk husbands, the working class heels, the down and out, the nude models, the virgin nymphs, the fist fights among the drunken heels, the ass-grabbing by brutes, the shabby sex and sleazy plots conspired by sleazecore couples late at night with their naked sweaty bodies clinging to one another like two slimy slugs on a leaf.

But this is also Hitt playing around in James M. Cain country — which is all right, many others (like Harry Whittington) did so too back then.

Setting: Sayville, NY, an area called “The Dell…one of those out of the way places that often get caught in the middle of a construction project and prospers as  a result” (p. 7).

The narrator: Jerry, big hard-working, hard-drinking guy going nowhere, forever haunted by the ghost of his wife, killed in a a car accident. When she died, so did he — this seems to be a reoccuring thmeme with Hitt’s anti-heroes: the guy in The Promoter also lost his wife to death, as did the guy in Diploma Dolls (though his wife was ith her lover during the crash).

The women: Linda, the married woman Jerry starts sleeping with. When her drunk husband smashes his car into a tree, she become the widow in the title.  And Nora, a teenage nude model from New York, whose father is none too pleased at what she’s doing.  She may pose in the nude but she’s a virgin and Jerry takes her one night.  He is going from Linda tom Norma through the book, with a one-night stand tossed in.

The same women’s name keep popping up in Hitt’s books: Norma, Wilma, etc.

The catch:  Linda stands to inherit the Dell if her old mother-in0law keels over.  The old woman runs a restaurant, a motel of cabins, and a small store…being they are the only place out there, the road crews all ciome to eat and sleep there.

Jerry was on the road crew making $4/hr, or $200 a day, good money then.  He gets in a fist fight with th boss” “Old man Sparks fired me the fourth day on the job” (p. 7).  Just as he’s about to head for the road, he meets Linda hang-drying her clothes and panties. She tells him about a job opening in the restaurant: $40/week plus room and board.  He takes it since Linda was giving him the vibe.

Eventually she talks him into helping her kill the old lady.  An oil company wants to put a station in the Dell, since a freeway will be built by it. They are offering $50,000 and she refuses to sell. If Linda inherits, she will get the property, the $50K, and the $10K the woman has in the bank.

The problem: Linda seems to expect marriage, and Norma expects him to marry her for forcibly deflowering her.

The double-cross:  when Jerry kills the old woman and makes it look like an accident, she turns on him and tells the police how he killed her mother-in-law and how he made it appear to be an accident.

But Linda gets a surprise when she finds out that her good ol’ mom changed her will that day, giving all she had to church, to repent for the death of her son, which she feels is the price for her sins of not going to church.

No standard happy ending for this Beacon book…Jerry is telling this story from prison while waiting to be electrocuted. I was surprised — usually the Hitt male would’ve marry Norma, having gotten her pregnant or something, and he would repent his hound dog ways…not this time.

Lots of fast, telegraphic dialogue, sometimes a bit repetitive, saying the same things they said 20 pages back, but that’s real life (as opposed to crafted fiction).  Even though the narrator is a drunken cad, we feel for him because he occasionally talks to his dead wife, and is always thinking of her; obviously her death derailed him and haunts him.  We can suppose he will meet her in the afterlife when he’s executed.

A good hard-boiled yarn in the Manhunt vein.  On the top of my Hitt list for now.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My kinks vs yours aka mine are normal, you're just weird

Having a partner that just recently opened up to the world of  lovely kinky sex opens up a world of trouble. Mostly wonderful, exiting and interesting trouble, but also some trouble I’d rather live without. For example the trouble I wrote about in the last post, but that wasn’t what I had in mind just now.

The trouble that I’m thinking of is the Problem With The Colliding Kinks. It’s nice to discover that he likes to hit me and fcuk me until I cry of happiness and pain. It’s nice to discover (for him) that I, while close to orgasm beg for him to hit me. It’s nice all the ways to rainbows and happy bunnies bouncing all over the place to find our mutual fascination for fantasizing about old school harem girls and boys, tied up in some tent in the desert, waiting for their owner to use them. It’s nice even more to notice we both like when he smears my body in his cum and makes me lick his fingers and then kisses me (oh god, how hot it is with a man who likes the taste of his own sperm on me. Oh god oh god oh god).

Then suddenly he says something like “I’d like to fuck you from behind while you are eating chocolate cake. I want you to stuff your face with it while I fuck you until you come”. And I’m all weirded out. Yeah, sure, that could probably be nice, but eating and fucking at the same time? That seems messy and complicated. I would be all for drenching my body in something like youghurt and then fucking me, because it’s soft and milky and probably feels nice to the skin.. But eating? Concentrating on swallowing, the taste, stuff like that? I’ll probably try it, but I feel a bit estranged by the idea.

And the problem is very clear here, for any one doing kink. You have to respect eachothers kinks, weither it be that he wants you to take a shit and make him eat it, or she wants to be dressed like a whore and you prefer her to be naked. You can’t just go “Uh, that’s horrible, I hate the idea of you licking vomit from my face”, no, no.. it’s not like in vanilla land, where everything is bad, no, here nothing can be bad. It’s just different. Suddenly you end up with a whole range of variations on the lines of “yeah, that’s interesting baby, but it doesn’t do it for me”. Why? Why can’t you just be a hardliner on your dealbreakers and say no fucking way and get it over with? Because it might have taken ten years for this person to get to the point where they dare to trust any one enough to tell about this.

I know I felt really bad when my half fetish for pearls and necklaces got a bad reception when I told my last kinkfriend about it. I felt like a complete idiot. And that’s not even a very strange or dirty secret.

So, I guess, as Marie Antoinette (or whoever it was)  would say: Let me have cake.

Word Up: Feel better about 'Gossip Girl'

Wow, it’s been one hell of a clusterfuck in the world of pop culture lately, hasn’t it? It’s been so interesting, frustrating, vapid and zeitgeisty out there that the season premiere of Gossip Girl slid under the radar. Yeah, Gossip Girl. I know you watch the shit. And if not, maybe you should. It’s all those things I listed above, knows exactly what it is doing and is pretty great at doing it.

Yesterday, nouveau riche Dan tells vaguely ethnic and working class Vanessa to “give it a rest with the ‘whole rich people suck’ thing”. Vanessa’s date remarks that the polo match they’re watching is shockingly…white; to which she wryly responds, “Welcome to my world.” Silly V, that’s not your world at all! You just somehow always find yourself hanging out there every week. Mobility is a theme; the show’s underage, privileged characters do whatever they want and inhabit whatever sphere they wish to inhabit, only to once in a while crash with the realization of immaturity and class barriers.

All this semi-awareness, plus the fashion, plus Blair and Chuck role-playing their sexual fantasies to keep their newly found monogamy from boring both themselves and the audience — there’s really nothing out there that is so abysmal and so perfect at the same time. But maybe you don’t have that same level of zen when it comes to your guilty pleasures like we at The Ashcan do. (Yes, Simon recently admitted he likes High School Musical.) If not, here’s some things to help you feel not so dumb when watching a show built around fashion runways and drunk texting:

The Wheel of Morality

The bookworm bloggers over at accurately named Overthinkingit take a look at how the sometimes delinquent or downright criminal activities of Gossip Girl’s upper-eastsiders rub up against the show’s fairly consistent attitude toward punishment (whether through social sniping or through the long arm of the law). Has Serena’s doggedness in the face of her enemies’ guilt always somehow reminded you of the philosophies of Kant and Hegel? No, you’re not crazy! Bad in bed maybe, but definitely not crazy!

The Economy Stoopid

Earlier this year Rolling Stone did a cover story on the Gossip Girl phenomenon, noting it was perhaps the most culturally relevant and talked about show despite its less than impressive ratings. I can’t find a copy of the article online — which means I’ve repressed the no doubt shameful experience of having read this in public at a bookstore — but I remember the writer extrapolating, fitting the show’s setting and set-ups into the new economy-beaten culture model. Gossip Girl as perhaps the perfect art for America in recession? You’ll have to find a copy of the magazine itself; but if you want to see Blair and Serena licking an ice cream cone click here.

The Fashion

The New York Observer introduces us to designer Abigail Lorick in the fantastically titled “Why You All Look Like Blair Waldorf.” Gossip Girl has had an astonishing impact on fashion, like it or not, and it’s done so by enlisting up-and-comer designers like Lorick instead of merely inking product placement deals with established brands, and by outfitting characters in elegant but nonetheless ambitious choices. Man, I don’t even know what the fuck I’m talking about! Haha I just read the article!

The Race Factor

“Is Gossip Girl ‘Too White’?” asks the blog Gossip Girl Report. The issue of race on Gossip Girl can get more complicated than the more reactionary writers are willing to see (though I love Jen, and you should check out her blog). But Gossip Girl Report looks at demographics for the area the show is set in and clarifies that its racial makeup is alarmingly accurate. Which certainly goes back to my belief that Gossip Girl is of course not about race per se but the colour of its characters are definitely an integral part of the picture it is painting. Decide for yourself; the point is that there’s a valid discussion there and you can totally act familiar when people confront you about your new catchphrase, “I’m Chuck Bass.”

The Post- feminism

Gossip Girl is the indisputable heir to Sex and the City, not so much in what it’s about or how it operates (though there are obvious surface similarities), but in how it represents the next generation’s post-feminism pop-soaked teenage girl. Obviously teenage girls aren’t a monolithic group nor are generations tidy packages sold separately, but Gossip Girl’s undeniably fresh pairing of a schoolgirl Twitter sensibility with soap operas, new girl friendship fables matched with old school catty revenge narratives, makes it uncannily satisfying to chew on. Blair’s a magnificent capital-B obsessed with popularity, but she’s frighteningly focused on her academics and spends a lot of time swapping Anais Nin and Francois Truffaut references with her friends. Gossip Girl’s pretentions are believable where Dawson’s Creek’s played as charming but implausible.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Maile Meloy--Both Ways is the Only Way I Want It (2009)

SOUNDTRACK: BEN FOLDS-Stems and Seeds (2009).

I enjoyed Way to Normal, although not as much as previous Ben Folds CDs.  I was listening to Pandora Radio at work and I heard a version of one of the songs from Way to Normal, but it listed it as coming from Stems and Seeds, which I hadn’t heard of.

Stems and Seeds is a sort of fan club release of Way to Normal.  That whole album is remixed, remastered and in a different track order.  It also features B-sides and the “original leaked versions” (ie. not real versions at all) of several of these tracks.

The second disc (actually the first disc) is a collection of audio files that you can upload to the GarageBand program where you can manipulate the files yourself.  I have not even popped the disc in the computer to look at this yet, and I don’t foresee myself doing it any time soon.

But onto the music.

The differences are not vast in the remixes and yet I like them better.  Some excessive bits are lopped off (the “Japanese doctor” voice before “The Bitch Went Nuts” is thankfully gone) as well as a few bits that dragged out “Free Coffee”).   I don’t think of myself as a massive audiophile, but in a side by side comparison the new songs (which are apparently uncompressed like radio-ready songs are) sound cleaner, brighter and just better.  (Which again, is weird since Way to Normal was released just months before this.  Why bother releasing that version at all, I have to wonder.)

There’s also something about the new track order that I like better.  It just flows more smoothly somehow.

And the bonus tracks are also fun.  There’s a live version of “You Don’t Know Me” from a pre-show at Conan.  They practice it without the curse in the lyrics, but they all get a hearty curse-laden shout out at the end.  The “leaked” tracks are also fascinating. Even though they are lyrically not quite up to snuff, they’re not that far removed from Ben’s sillier songs.  But it’s the idea that he wrote these entire songs just to jam the leakers is fascinating to me.  He wrote new melodies and recorded entirely new songs that aren’t real.  And yet now he’s officially released them and they are real. Trippy.

So, if you haven’t yet, skip Way to Normal and get Stems and Seeds. If you already have Way to Normal and didn’t like it, try a track or two from this one, it may turn you around.

[READ: September 13, 2009] Both Ways is the Only Way I Want It

In his Infinite Summer post Colin Meloy plugged the new book that his sister had just written. I wasn’t aware of the book coming out so I was pretty excited to hear about it.  I picked up a copy and finished it in like 2 days.

This is Meloy’s 2nd collection of short stories.

The characters in almost all of the stories are failures. Not losers, mind you, but failures. They have failed at jobs or love or with their family, and the storylines show them coping with the aftermath of their failures.  And note that the failures are never because of inaction, they are because the characters are stuck between two impossible choices or literally insurmountable problems.

What makes the stories so interesting is the humanity that Meloy gives her characters. These are people who have had bad breaks or started with nothing, and yet they endevaor, often futilely to affect changes.

The first several stories are set in Missoula, Montana and its environs. I don’t know anything about Missoula, but it sounds pretty cold and rather barren.  In “Travis, B” a young man working on a farm meets a woman downtown who he falls for only to learn that she lives 9 hours away and he’ll only see her twice a week.  He does the only thing he can think of to do: follow her home.  In “Lovely Rita” young men work construction for a facility that no one in the neighborhood wants built: a nuclear plant. But it’s the only job around.  When Rita comes into their lives, one of them falls for her very hard, to the dismay of the rest of the workers.  Drinking and construction are a tough combination, and what is Rita to do (and will her boyfriend’s best friend let her?) when the combination turns deadly?

Although the above stories feature men as protagonists, women obviously feature largely as well.  In Meloy’s world, women (and even girls) are in constant sexual danger from the men around them.  This may have been the one aspect that I found a little unbelievable in her stories (although, heck, I’m not a girl, so I can’t really say).  In “Red from Green” a young girl on a camping trip with her father is put in danger by her father’s client.  The mood of danger is set from the very start, and yet I still found the incident shocking.  The story seems uncomfortably real, and yet it’s hard to know what to think of the father’s culpability.  In “The Girlfriend” a man is investigating the rape and murder of his daughter, who was alone house sitting in Missoula.  Even in “Nine,” the male-female relationships are fraught with possible violence.

But Meloy saves her harshest critiques for family members.  As in the line from “Spy vs Spy”

She craved a family, not having enough of one to understand what a pain in the ass it was.

In this story, two brothers with vastly different viewpoints agree to a family reunion at ski resort where the younger brother, George, teaches.  The older brother, Aaron, has a daughter whom he loves unconditionally.  George also loves her unconditionally.  But the tension between them comes out when they see each other and when Aaron sees how much his daughter loves George too.  Little jealousies always between them. The daughter is never in danger (thankfully) yet their disagreements come to a head on top of a ski slope.

In, “O Tannebaum” probably my favorite story of the collection, a family trip to the woods to cut down a tree turns into bitter jealousy when two stranded strangers upset the family plans.  I enjoyed this story so much I think because it was set in the 1970s, and so it brought a new point of view in the collection (and it features a CB radio!)

Infidelity also rears its head in “Two-Step” as Alice, who stole a man from another woman (who was three months pregnant) now wonders if that very man is cheating on her, too.  As the story progresses, and she reveals her deepest fears to Naomi, the treachery gets even more intense.  In “The Children,” Fielding’s plans for revealing his affair to his wife are thrown off course with the arrival of an old friend of the family…one who imagined that he would break off his marriage for her!

And there’s also a story of multiple failures, “Nine.”  Failure in love and in work and even in seduction when a divorced woman falls for an Italian teacher.  This story is told through the point of view of nine year old Valentine. She watches as “Carlo” and his son Jake insinuate themselves into her family.  Jake and Valentine experiment with kissing while their parents are downstairs doing the same and more.

Two stories in the collection stand out location-wise.  Augustín is set in a far off land of juntas and overgrown estates.  Although ultimately this story also comes down to impossible love between two people who cannot be together.  And “Liliana” is different, first because of the location: it’s set in the States, but Liliana is a world traveler with residencies in Spain and, shortly, Paris.  What sets the story apart otherwise is that it opens with the main character’s dead grandmother standing in his doorway (after ringing the doorbell!).  A story at once supernatural, turns into a fascinating look at family dynamics, inheritance and respect.  And it’s easily the funniest story in the collection (even though it too is sad).

For yes, as you might expect with stories of failures, they’re not happy stories.  But neither are they maudlin.  As with any untenable situation, you do your best or you give up.  And if these characters give up, there’s really no story.

As for the writing itself, Meloy has a wonderful gift for spare, direct writing.  Her style suits the cold barren lands she describes.  It is beautiful, yet efficient, as if wasting too much time could lead to frostbite.  My only regret about the whole collection was that the eleven stories weren’t enough.

Another wonderful collection from an excellent writer.