Tuesday, September 1, 2009


As you may already know, Carrot and I have decided to get together for one last Hurrah! So you can expect a lot more posts on this! So far we’ve had an amzing 69 on my sofa, I’ve been whipped, dressed up in a corset to suprise him, and then dressed him up in a corset and treated him to some naughtiness while tied up to my door!

As far as everything goes I’m more satisfied than I have been in a long long time. So it frustrates me that Carrot insists on putting himself down and worrying that he can’t do enough for me! How is it possible to dissuade those worries without resorting to the good old fashioned faking it? It’s one thing I swear never to do with a guy. But there is a point where I wonder…is this the way forward? It’s not because his tongue isn’t the most talented thing that I have ever experienced (it is definitely gifted) My body is just incredibly stubborn!

I’m typing this up while Carrot is in the shower. Back to bed for me now since I’m going to wait for him

[Via http://silverarcheress.wordpress.com]

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