Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Sex" in general.

In response to a 14 year old young girl deciding to have sex;

I personally thing that sex is just a three letter word.

What truly matters is making love; and my views on making love is that it was created for a man and his wife. I mean when I think of it, it’s such an amazing bond! It’s not just putting it in, taking it out, and doing so until the feel good is gone. It’s about two souls becoming one. It’s about expressing your emotions, feelings, and sharing the inner most part of you with the person that you intend on spending the rest of your life with. Yes, sometimes we as people get caught up in the moment, fall to our flesh and temptation, and flat out give in. BUT, if you have a choice, time to actually think about it, I say think LONG AND HARD.

There’s this phrase called “Soulties” for us who are serious about marriage and how beautiful of a bond it is. The bible speaks about soulties as two souls being knit together, becoming one flesh through sexual acts.

So there’s this story my boyfriend told me; a man and a woman are getting married, both madly in love with each other and want nothing more but to live happily ever after! =D, they are about to say, “I DO”, when they look over each other’s shoulders and see a whole bunch of people that they have never met. When they realize this, they turn around and are completely shocked! The people lined up behind them were those they had either given their hearts to and/or had sexual relations with. The thing is, when you get married, you give the person everything you are; you give them your heart….and if you decide, on your walk in life, to give that heart, or even just a tiny bit of who you are away to someone you may not spend the rest of your life with, it’s left behind within your soul; hence, soulties.

So think about this, do you truly want to be at the alter marrying the man that you are meant to be with knowing that he will not be receiving all of you? Knowing that because of past decisions, some of you is locked away in the soul of a person who’s name you may not even remember? Seriously, not even talking about PRE-marital sex, but just “sex” in general. I was 17 when I lost my virginity to my boyfriend, and even though I try to live my life in a way that none of my decisions being regrettable, I some how wish that I wouldn’t have fell into what I thought was the way to handle my feelings at that specific moment.

YES, I’m going to marry this man I am in love with, but to think that I wont be able to give him that special gift for the first time on our wedding night is so heartache-ing!

I believe that 14 isn’t too young of an age for anything!

“Don’t let anyone look down upon you because you are young..” 1 Timothy 4:12

But what I do believe is self-respect, morals, and being an example, not only for those to come, but for those surrounded by you.

Just because a person believes that you they are ready for such a huge step in life does not mean it’s true, it’s more than just a thought process; it’s all that you are.


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