So “why everything that’s supposed to be bad make me feel so good?”
The answer is simple enough. Sin FEELS good. Why lie? If doing the wrong thing didn’t make us feel good we probably wouldn’t do it. If we didn’t feel some type of relief when we had to cuss somebody out because they spoke to us in some crazy way, or if “getting it in” on Saturday night after a few drinks and grinding on somebody at the club didn’t feel nice, would we waste the time? Doubtful.
I remember this movie I saw years ago called K-PAX where Kevin Spacey plays this alien from another planet and described what sex was like on his planet. It described it as “unpleasant, nausea, nuts in a vice, being kicked in the stomach and falling into something worse smelling than a skunk smell.” Pretty sure if that was our experience, it wouldn’t be that appealing. But I say all that to say this: We sin or do stuff that “supposed to be bad” BECAUSE it makes us feel so good.
It’s in the Bible, look!–> Hebrews 11:25 …”choosing rather to suffer affliction than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.” Sin is pleasurable and we do it because we want to. (So drop the “devil made me do it” act)
But did you notice it said pleasure of sin FOR A SEASON? The enjoyment of it is generally short-lived and the consequences of those actions are scarring. It’s ok, you can admit it. We’re being honest here remember? Those consequences can be physical, emotional, relational, mental, baggage, etc.
So we know we do it because we want to and it feels good… but how did we get attracted to those things? See the answer in part 3.
Check out part 1 here if you missed it.
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