Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Sin Quandry

John Della Bosca is the latest NSW Parlimentarian to embroil himself in scandal coming clean overnight over an affair.

What I find interesting is that the journo uses the words “fornication” and “yucky, yucky, yucky” to describe the affair and then, in the next paragraph says:

“That John Della Bosca embarked on an affair with a 26-year-old is not, of itself, the problem; Australians have forgiven their leaders (and themselves) similar offences.”

Huh? The fornication is yucky, but somehow this is not the problem? The “real” problem is then revealed:

“The wonder of it is that he thought he had the time.”

And this is the quandry of sin for secular people…on one hand something inside them knows that something is deparately wrong (like affairs), but the postmodern hermeneutic won’t allow it to be labelled as such.

[Via http://jeffreyatack.wordpress.com]

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